TEST ARE OVER ! :D woohooos ! alot of ppl must have been studying super hard yeahs ? but now ; its finally over ! {: just here to wish everyone good luck and jiayous ! :D and do our cls proud yeahs ? : ❥sheri[:
for the the notice board issues , pls read the whiteboard for more details ! and do it ASAP cos it must be done by 3march08 . soso pls cooperate . xD thanks !-jacq
FUND FIESTA {x those who want to meet first then go to pasir ris tgt , pls write your name on the white board . {: time : 6.45 meet [some ppl will be late] {x venue : amk mrt {:
4:01 AM @twofour.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
lots of love , ❥sheri[:
5:00 AM @twofour.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Sexual education rocks! -Iggy
2/4 gogogo :D -Joel
Hello! -Shareler
My com spoiil. Sadded -Sebastian
Happy Valentine's Day! :DD -Iggy
It's not supported by my phone -Jenson
Happy Birthday Jacqueline! :DD -2/4 (minus Jacq )
8:06 PM @twofour.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
UPDATED the links :D . &n trying to keep this blog alive xD
4:19 AM @twofour.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Hello! [:
New class blog! For 2/4 2008. Give me ideas for the link name / design / colours / whatever please [:
I know it's plain now. Have no idea on what to do. Anyway, the blog's user and password is the same as last year's. Ask myself or Shareler if you don't know it. ;D
And yes, I know the cbox may have some problem. PS! D;
♥ melissa .
5:40 PM @twofour.
best viewed 1024x768, IE viewed since 09.02.08!
16girls, 24boys!
oh yes, compassion house rocks :D